Sunday, August 27, 2006
1:11 AM
second time in a row i came home after midnight.surprise surprise.what do you know.
woke up uber early for tennis.cabbed there.but then the stupid cabbie didnt even know where the hell it was he totally brought me arounf in a CIRCLE and when it reach my house again it was already like $8 and i was like wth.when he finally knew wher it was.the damn cabbie kept saying that i told him that it was in the other direction and i was like I DID NOT!kept quarreling larx.then i was like 'you dont expect me to pay the $8 do you?!?!' and he didnt reply me larx. so i took down his name and plate no.i was so ready to lodge a complain. total fare was like $16.lucky for him he was smart enough to tell me to just pay $10.lucky duck!
tennis was okay.beat nicholas CHAN and BRINA in tie beat the pants splitter a.k.a joel foo!HAH!take that! im getting hooked to li-en's lighter flexpoint.feel like buying it but bet my mom wont allow.damn.the string is damn nice larx.when i hear the twang i just feel that its right.haha.dunno why also.went home at like 11.
then met li-en and nikki at cathay at 2.15 to watch was kinda stupid show yet a typical teenage girl's dream of a romance.the guy who played as Luke in the O.C was so not hot.though he has the bod.the face just wasnt there.haha.looked all wrong.amanda bynes kept making all those lunatic faces!!
went to jerre's farewell after was super fun.haha.after finishing the movie we ate ALOT!then kiki,jerre's fluffy dog with beady eyes came along and started scaring'd think that someone like chang is macho man but looks ARE deceiving.yeap.haha.then we went swimming.we plunged down form the railings.when you first do it, its kinda scary then it gets better as you get more into it.haha. climbing up the rock thingy was super tiring.needs so much energy.ugh.but it was worth it.haha. AND AND AND jerre's now taller than me.i think.ARGH.need to grow.i kept going back and forth from pool to food to pool and so on.haha.need to replenish the energy for climbing.heh.jerre's bro's friends came and hogged the home theatre so we squished into jerre's room and watch lemony snicket or whatevs its called.halfway through.his bro's friends left and we changed location.watched jimmy neutron!! me and nikki took uber lots of photos but all looked damn ugly man.haha and kept deleting it. then one by one everyone started to leave cause it was like li-en and chris left at 12 and li-en's mom sent me all the way home.i like her mom.heh. mom just came back.damn i may not know it but i missed my the house wont look so dead and quiet anymore.YAY!!she bought tons of stuff.clothes, bags.and food especially. like mother like daughter.once she gets started on shopping she just cant top.haha. everything looks nice and feel like grabbing it off the
Saturday, August 26, 2006
1:29 AM
came home like an hour ago from min's place.damn tired.but i still have to wait for my i thought i'd blog.yeap yeap.
that damn shitty prefect is damn annoying larz.damn about respect.sheesh. anyways.did volleyball for was fun except for the fact that our arms got lobster red and all. three periods of pe is like hour plusbreak after that.played bb during lunch.gosh and i got slammed in the face again but by duc bao today.first yest then today.when is it ever gonna end man.had chem prac today.i hate practicals case its kinda tedious.bleah.
wth.he was totally angry at someone else lax.why vent it out on me.dont just think cause you're big then you can do what you want or think that you're always right.damn pissifying!!!pisses me off.
rugby was super slack was damn fun.haha. me and su-en totally made each other WORK FOR IT! girls would know what that means.i think.haha.then we did some drills that were uber tiring.we were really out of breath then.haha.for the last part when we were doing some swerves and all joel(the coach) suddenly said that we should learn to kick and to catch.haha.dunno why.we dont even use it in touch.but it was damn we keot missing and all.haha.but most of us caught was such an accomplishment cause that was our first.haha.after trg me chang and feline went to min's hse for his bday.found out he had 2 cats named MOTO and MISO.funny name though. chang was all screamy like a girl.should have seen the look on his face when he thought i was the cat.hilarious man!!hahahaah. the we eatched deuce bigalow.the first was funny but chang jackey and chris stayed til midnight before we got kicked out by the maid.haha.LOL.
damn.have to wake up super early for tennis game got postponed. oh wells.night everone! :)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
8:37 PM
piang today damn suay larx. i failed chinese by 1. AGAIN! argh.damn pissifying larx. during lunch even worse larx.peh! i jammed my pinkie into tian-ge and now its totally's like bulging out at the side larx.look damn weird.haha. AND the ball slammed into my face and i mean SLAMMED like no one's business all thanks to kandi.being the smart guy that he is. damn pain larx.
but some really funny stuff did FOO for instance. haha.tried clearing the ball on wet ground then in the end slid. and guess what.he ripped his pants! woohoo. first kandi now FOO.guess its a year 2 tradition.haha.but it was hilarious man.brina wore orange shorts.haha. and when he shoot his legs 'pop'.haha.damn cute larx. was totally late for eng but mrs tan didnt care at all larx.didnt say liking her. during eng we had to do this stupind impromptu acting thingy.haha.the story is like Billy died and she gives us this few characters and we decide to be who we wanna be. bea:billy's sis. me:billy's bro. feline:billy's dad. radhika:billy's mom. first me and bea were pretending to cry behind a jacket that is.duh. then we were laughing so damn bloody hard that our stomachs started to hurt and then started drying for real and then it was over and we just couldnt stop laughing. damn funny larx.omg.haha. and BRYAN!eeew. he was talkingin this high pitched voice that sounded damn creepy.he should just stick with his normal voice me the heebie jeebies!
the world is damn messed up. its like totally rude to stare.ohhh! i just felt like flipping that pervert off.ugh.
Monday, August 21, 2006
9:47 PM
gosh.i seriously feel like dropping geog.bleah.cant stand it no more.ugh.dont wanna talk about it.makes me depressed only.
haha.FOO shaved his head again!haha.damn nice larx the feeling.then nothing to comb also.saves ALOT of time.haha. omg.i think im going laughing to myself and all im doing is TYPING! blafsmi. dinesh and chang and shinny makes physics bearable!haha.
re-enactment of our conversation(excluding shinny)miss yee: this question differentiates the A AND B students.dinesh and his big inflated ego:(flashes smile and waves in the air) THANK YOU THANK YOU!me:SHUT UP larx got ZERO for that question!!(bursts into horrible laughter)chang to dinesh: 3 words! L-O-L!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
8:56 PM
today was really tiring.but surprisingly short.went for tennis in the morning.kept hitting myself in the ankle and the head with my damn racket larx.bleah.and somehow im like a tennis ball magnet.always come flying to me and conking on my annoying!me and li-en played doubles against alden and brina and we're WINNING!its to be continued...
then went for the stupid retarded useless geog thingy.ugh.i HATE praeman with a capital pissifying larx.make us go to these office buildings and copy down the names then never send in letter to them saying that we'd be doing that.make them think like we're some kind of student terrorist or some shit.hes gonna get hell from me on mon man.ARGH!then STILL have to walk dunno how many blocks fishing idiotic!bet he would have fainted if HE was the one walking under that damn heat.i swear that he needs help and that we should all go on strike.bloody hell!still got the third question but we were all like WHATEVER!he think we no life larx give us this kind of shit.piss off!
went to watch the netball carnival.they're improving.not bad.feel like joining but dunno if can cope larx.bleah.
anyway im uber tired right now :)
Friday, August 18, 2006
10:06 PM
played bb against leon and though.hah!i won them with a bang!haha.think my 3-pointers' coming back to me.haha.
had rugby after school.before rugby waslike photo taking funny.the guys were like not caring bout the pic at all and NO ONE was smiling!! we took lots of pics for the girls' one .haha.there's the dao one the cool one.haha.damn shiok larx.trg was super tiring.getting blisterson my toes!!and the suicide run was suicidel.argh.couldn't breathe anymore larx.and su-en was standing there like none of it happened!wth.we were told that we were gonna play with the AC(P) boys they trained really hard so they could get their revenge.ooh i cant wait!lol.i think im gonna get rheumatism or whatever tht is when im old.haha.
went for the potluck thingy with man-on.chang.liz.charins.audrey.steven. ate a whole lot.and eating the chicken took a LONG time.omg.i thought i left my phone at the field so and me went there.and we're like the S.W.A.T. team.haha.except that we sucked.chang and man-on had the tugher job.they climbed over the gate to the field whie me and liz distracted the guard.haha.then like guess what.i went back up to check and it came to me.i put my phone in the laptop bag! now i owe the two of em really big favours.haha.and man-on gota whole on his pants in THAT area while climbing over the gates i think.haha.the potluck thingy was quite fun actually.haha.
have a long day ahead nighty night people :)
Thursday, August 17, 2006
9:19 PM
crap.could have gotten full marks for a math but missed out on a damn woeking.argh.oh wells.whatevs.had math test today.thought it was gonna be hard cause FELINE said that she asked ramesh and he said it was was okay actually.
played bb during lunch.was damn funny larx.omg.couldn't stop laughing!chris did this 360 turn but he missed unfortunately.but thats not the funny getting to it.haha.desmond.apparently was STUPID enough to actually do that 360 turn and fell in the end!!! AND got his pants split RIGHT down the middle!i could have died from all that laughing.haha.come on.everyone knows that shorter peoplehave a better sense of balance cause they're short so they have lower centre of gravity and taller people just plus plus plus. everyone thinks that taller people would win in a one on one but noooo.haha.i won.against desmond and he'slike how one and a half head taller than me.HAH. never under estimate the power of a shortie!
oh and after school.i forgot what shinny said to me.haha but it made me wasnna pour water oh her.sorry shinny!!was hiding from a perfect spot AND dinesh had to go and ruin it all by giving my spot away.argh.least i helped you get back at li-en! after shinny left dunno who continued spraying then suddenly i got sprayed by an idiot and almost fell while chasing after that idiot and i would have just laughed my ass off.oh oh know that when you laugh alot you massage your lungs stomach and all and it's like equivalent to 10 mins of laugh your ass off people and burn all that fats away!.haha.
great and im eating cheese stick now.more fats to burn.bleagh!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
9:34 PM
back from indo and im super tired.was one hell of a long week. this post is gonna be super long.
when we reached jakarta,we went to this place to design our own dress for end of year thingy in indo and her name was also olivia.just like my sis's.haha.took forever to get our ideas on the paper.couldn't translate it to proper bahasa.haha. then we brought the dogs to this place at the mall to get its nails done and all that. in short,we pampered them and ourselves later at the hair salon,foot reflex and the mani pedi place. too bad couldnt do the foot thingy cause of my ankle. bleagh.
next day went for facial in the morn with my unc and when they took out his mask,it was intact and guess what kind of stupid idea he came up with. bring it home so i can put it up!!diaoz! was supposed to go tobandung straight after that but nooo we had to go buy his house phone THEN his super ex golf set which took forever and ALOT of walking.omg! then we ate at this really chinese place and forced me to drink 5 spoons of like disgusting fish soup.hello!! it was chalky!who would actually drink that.yuck!finally reached bandung at like 4. one whole day in the car.least it was an APV.had some stickers on which looked really funky.haha."FEEL COMFORT, FEEL APV MATIC" lol. the dogs were already there. and it was freezing!
had to like wake super early to bring the dogs, poppy and dora down for a pee and poop. never woke up so early during the hols before. thatswhy im so tired now. then took them for dunno how many walks at the construction site. so tiring!!im seriously going to die early breathing in all that dust.ugh.did the same things for like 4 days!!then like went shooping in SOGO and i bought like the least stuff!!can you believe it.i know i cant. and my bro bought the most larx. unbelievable!
my cousins came over on thurs night and we played cards while waiting for the rest to get ready.for some reason the dos suddenly got all rowdy and fierce.started growling at one another.some the end poppy got hurt.three teeth fell out and her nose is infected.think poppy or dora wanted attention or is frustrated or was damn scary when they fought cause it like never happened before and all.
on sat, went to this out of town place to get fishes. the ride was super long and i was sitting at the back. the damn car kept bouncing thanks the the stupid road and my FAVE slipper got stuck under the chair and now there's like a H-like dent on it pissifying!argh. we had to walk through this dirty place to get to the boat to get to this floating thingy where they keep the fish in the middle of the lake. we walk on bamboo FLOATING on water. suprised none of us fell in.what a riot it would've been then.haha. we hand-picked the fish and i mean literally. we scooped the fish out of the water with our BARE hands.haha.that was really fun. i wanna do it again!i think on the way back the fish got kinda drunk cause of the road.haha. guess where we put the a pond in the TOILET!haha.imagine that.

that's ME in the middle with a fishin my hands .:)
the toilet where we put the fishes huh.
then at night we went to this place really high up in the mountains called 'the peak'.
the peakme and my sis went with our unc and aunt and cousins to get the cake for our dad.he doesn't know.while the rest went ahead.on the way. this retarded car wouldn'tgive way and i was so hungry i would have slapped the guy but he gave way in the the resto, there was this band singing and they sang 'can't smile without you' but it totally sucked. and so did the service.omg! ask for water, half an hour later then come.wth!waited for the cake damn long lar.guess my dad kinda knew what was going on. some surprise.
okay.gotta go sleep.someone teach me how to put in pics!!so i can put the pics in.haha.
Monday, August 07, 2006
10:23 PM
watching the rugby game waskinda boring cause i didn't understand shit.haha.
jia's dog is like super fluffy and cute!! wish i have a dog.sighs. the track is like damn shit larx. nico said it's melting that's why it gets stuck to your ass!! its really sticky and gross.haha. should've seen how much was stuck onto nico's ass larx!!
went to the chinese doc after the game.wah piang! massage my ankle until DAMN pain likehe's having fun like that and i was grimacing in pain!ouch. it hurts so bad. and i have to goforlike a couple more times. argh. anyways gotta gopack. going to indo tml. wont be back til sunday. so yeah. enjoy your NDP celebration :) with all the SURE it'll be fun!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
12:17 AM
it should seriously be declared sinful if one eats too much. im like eating so much everyday!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
8:36 PM
ugh! im so super uper tired. all my muscles are like aching and my damn ankle is acting up.
argh.pisses me off. today's trg was like really pathetic but it was kinda fun. ONLY 5 girls turned up. that's like LESS than half. the coaches got kinda pissed.
haha. i really shouldn't talk too much during trg. later have to run to the post again. that totally sucked. its the first AND the last im doing that. hah! i guess we're improving.
we're still UNBEATEN!!
i swear my life span got shortened today.haha. damn chem prac.a word of advice.
'those who value your lives. NEVER be a chemist!! it seriously shortens your lifespan.'
argh. the smell is seriously so strong that it's disturbing. ESPECIALLY chlorine and bleach.
omg. you dont wanna smell it. and i got bloody burnt! well not burnt but yeah. the stupid blue flame cannot see larx. damn it.
okay. gtg watch my chinese drama. last epi. i think. i hope she makes the right choice.
argh!so pissifying!!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
9:29 PM
omg. haven't blogged in like super duper ages.walao. seriously.
like what exciting stuff are there larx.
RUGBY! that's what's the latest!!
am i even making sense. oh well. we had our first and second game.
heh. and we totally did better than the guys.we haven't lost a game in the
two games we played.
the girls' team is still UNBEATEN!!yeah!
we should name ourselves ourselves something that's feisty yet demure
shit arx. acs independent is like GIMUNGOUS!!! the US$1mil is like WTH!
gosh.there's like nothing to say already larx.argh. gotta find joel foo's blog!! anyone got any ideas??