Saturday, October 28, 2006
5:00 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELS!you tall person. you really need to shrink.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
5:57 PM

i thought today was a good day.found out i did well for chem and all that. 2 more exams til its finally over.
shit.i thought wrong.i came a call and some horrid news.but didnt believe it.went online and found out it was true.i mean like how cruel can life minute you might be lively and bubbly and the next you are lifeless just like a damn is just one big joke.and what exactly is our purpose in life when in the end we all die.
S. you were a good matter how loud and rebellious or tall you can get.the last 2 yrs were tons of making fun of the teachers all the time and jacking everyone.especially panda. though you did some stupid stuff. think you made everyone else's life enjoyable.i know you made mine fun.
rest in peace.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
12:14 AM
fudge fudge was damn scary.walking from the guardhouse back home.hate my imagination.always make me think that some weird lady is gonna pop out of nowhere and stare at me like no one's busines.
this is for you chicken!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!chikity china the chinese chicken.
you got a drumstick and you dont stop ticking!the party was lots of fun.lots of pushing and getting wet.haha.poor miles.he got dry but we being mean as usual pushed him back in AGAIN and again and again!!haha.hilarious. liz was so puny one push and splash.there she goes into the and anna were like the terrific twosome.we pushed everyone in.haha.that totally rocked!the pool was damn nice and so was the restrictions on swim wear or whatsoever.damn shiok larx.walao.
with lots of love from china.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
5:15 PM
shucks.think i screwed up the phy test.bleah.omg.had like geog test yest.phy today and amath tml.HELLO!!so many tests in a PEH!make me study everyday.bloody hell.
omg.mdm ong didnt tell us there was gonna be an explosion.POK larx!!my heart jumped.literally.and my chest felt like its being squashed!!heart attack man!
the exams are like in 2 weeks!!2 WEEKS PEOPLE!!!it seemslong but it aint which totally sisters would be like watching the tv and i'll be all alone in my room mugging.,damn.its so unfair.ugh.but oh wells.whatevs.OMG OMG OMG!got permission to not go to school after exams!BOO YEH!!